Our services for Holy Week and Easter 2023
Holy Week 2023
Everyone is welcome as we celebrate the most important week in the Christian calendar. Do come and enjoy our services - if you cannot be in church, our main services will be streamed on youtube - click on the highlighted services below to find the stream or visit youtube.com/bromleyparishchurch
Palm Sunday | 2 April
On Palm Sunday we recall Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowd waved palm leaves and covered his path with them. We remember this with crosses made from palm leaves. Today also marks the beginning of Holy Week.
8.30am – Holy Communion
10.30am – Choral Eucharist with Procession from Church House Gardens
6:30pm – A performance of 'The Crucifixion' by John Stainer
Monday 3rd April
8.00pm – Sung Compline
Wednesday 5 April
12.00pm Holy Communion
Maundy Thursday | 6 April
On Maundy Thursday we recall the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples before his arrest and trial, and his commandment to them to love one another.
8.00pm – Maundy Thursday Eucharist with foot washing
Good Friday | 7 April
Good Friday is the day when we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is a sombre day where we meet, pray and reflect on the sacrifice Jesus willingly paid for all our sins.
9:00am – Family freidnly activties in the church rooms
11:00am – Churches Together Good Friday Service in the High Street
12pm – Three Hours at the Cross
Holy Saturday | 8 April
Holy Saturday is a day of preparation ahead of the joy of Easter Sunday.
10:00am - Come and build the easter garden and prepare the church.
Easter Sunday | 9 April
On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
6:00am – The Easter Liturgy - the ancient service of proclaoming the resurrection as the dawn breaks. Followed by Breakfast
10:30am – Easter Sunday Eucharist