Giving for Life
'How can I give? How can I join in? Why should I give?'
We’re delighted you’re thinking about how to give because all giving starts with God. Giving is at the heart of God’s character. John’s Gospel tells us that:
“God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son for us”.
All that we have, and all that we are come from our generous God. We are made to worship God with all that we have and to share God’s giving heart for the world. To join in with God we are encouraged to reflect on what helps us to be generous with all our resources including our time, skills and our money.
“You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.”
Amy Carmichael, Missionary to India
Giving Life
‘I was just thinking of helping out a bit’
When we give, even a little, we give life. What do you love doing? That might be the very way you can serve God. Giving time, skills and hospitality transmits love and compassion. Serving coffee, writing articles, welcoming – there are many ways to make an immediate impact. Giving life can be lifting spirits, giving shelter or putting food in tummies. There is much that this Church does to share in God’s giving and regular giving helps the life and mission of the Church. Giving to church and to charities enables new life, new vision, new hope.
Giving in all of Life
‘I give out a lot in my daily life already’
That’s great. We hope we can encourage you to see your daily life, your work and caring for family and friends as all part of joining in with God’s giving and creative heart in the world. The Bible challenges us to be generous in every aspect of our lives.
“See that you also excel in this grace of giving’ 2 Cor 8:7
So our giving is not just about money, but does include the giving of money. It also includes our hospitality, time, skills….. at home, at work, and in church.
What can I do?
- Give thanks for all that God has given you. Often the most thankful people are those with the least.
- Give regularly – think about what charities you give to regularly, identify charities you really want to support. Most people at church give regularly to the church through the bank or via an envelope scheme. Those who pay tax Gift Aid their donations so that the church can recover the tax.
- Give generously – The Church of England had proposed thinking of 5% of income as a starting point – for some that is too much and for others it is too little.
- Give yourself. Each year it is good to reflect on what you would be happy to give on a regular basis. Each year , it is good to give our whole selves and all that we have anew to God.
What Next?
Pray. Commit your way to God
Look at the different tasks that people do and the needs that there are around. Complete the ministries flyer below and give to the Vicar or post in the pink box in church
Ask the Vicar, Churchwardens or PCC members about ways that you might help
Ask our Planned Giving Officer, Tim Pike, about for how you can best give financially. Complete the Planned Giving Flyer below.
If you already give financially, review your giving each year.
Give thanks for God’s blessings
‘We make a living by what we get, but we make
a life by what we give.’ Winston Churchill