“I shall rise again by Spirit and by faith” proclaims our resurrection window in the sanctuary.
We are a Resurrection people, gathered around Christ’s table and God’s word in the
centre of Bromley, dependent on the the saving work of Christ and God’s Holy Spirit, in our worship of God and our life of faith.
St Peter and St Paul is an Anglican Church and part of the world-wide Anglican Communion.
Our faith is based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, his death, resurrection and ascension
and an appreciation of his presence with us now by his Holy Spirit.
The Church of England Website is very helpful on faith.
We express our faith and love for God through times of worship together and gatherings
where our faith can be nurtured, encouraged and enriched. We welcome all of any age who
wish to explore the Christian faith and prepare themselves for baptism and confirmation.
We are committed to passing on the Christian faith to the next generation and place a high priority
on our work with our children through Sunday groups, the choir club and the summer holiday club.
We welcome people at key moments of their lives and prepare them for weddings,
having their children baptised and funerals.
We are committed to serving each other and the wider community and are actively involved
in a number of charities, local, national and international.
We support those working for justice and peace and we are a fair trade church.
We welcome many different groups and events into our church and pray that we might be a
means of blessing to our community and out into the wider world.
We host many civic events on behalf of Bromley giving the community a place to
express its prayer and worship at key moments.
Finding faith
Every year we have groups to help people explore and grow in their faith. This includes nurture groups
such as Alpha and Emmaus, Confirmation and Lent and Advent groups and the new Pilgrim Course we are folowing this autumn.
If you would like to know about future such groups, please contact the Vicar.
Joining in: eg being an acolyte or playing an instrument
People enjoy expressing their worship of God in all kinds of ways. Come along an ask.