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Welcome to Ss. Peter and Paul, Bromley

Welcome to Ss. Peter & Paul, the Parish Church for Bromley.

We're glad you've found us online; you are equally welcome to join us in person at any of our services or events.

We pride ourselves on being a warm and welcoming church, with excellent music and intelligent preaching. Children and families are always welcome at all our services.  If you cannot join us in person or want to see what we are like you can follow any of our main services on our youtube channel


If you want to find out what is happening around our church, you can subscribe to our regular e-newsletter here


As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and we are committed to ensuring our church and hall buildings are safe places for all.  If you have any concerns about safeguarding you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer Sophie Sutherland by e-mail at 

 You can find more information on our safeguarding page by clicking here


Donating to our Church

You can donate to support our church by following this link